2023 Business Economic Outlook: Survive and Thrive

by Cheryl Powers

As a business owner, it can be difficult to know how to prepare in the face of the looming economic downturn of 2023. But with the right focus and strategies and network, you can not only survive but you can thrive in the challenging environment ahead. 

Here are some key areas that will help you find success in 2023:

  • Identifying your company’s unique strengths and differentiators and leveraging them to create an edge over your competitors.
  • Developing a clear strategy that is flexible enough to adapt quickly when needed as the talent or supplier landscape shifts.
  • Focusing on building strong relationships with customers, partners, and other business owners who share your vision for success.
  • Utilizing technology effectively so you can maximize efficiency without sacrificing quality in each functional area of your business.
  • Investing in your team's training and development so they stay ahead of the curve when it comes to industry trends and practices.

What It Will Take

Being a successful business owner in 2023 will require a keen focus on the one thing the most successful founders and owners focus on to create true freedom, wealth, and impact: the value of your business.

This means much more than simply holding on to or growing revenue. It means being able to simultaneously focus on each of the key driving forces that make and keep your business valuable.

2023 will be a tough year for many business owners. Your goals for freedom, success, and wealth have already been challenged by the events of the past several years.

If you're like most of our business owner clients, you know you have to get ready for what's happening in 2023.

You're Still Standing

You've lived through the daunting crisis these past few years presented you. And many of you were just beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel from the 2009 crisis when the pandemic hit.

You've pivoted, you've hunkered down, you've learned to do more with less, and you're still standing.

That's something to be proud of, for sure.

You're driven. You're committed. And you're capable.

2023 will present yet another kind of challenge that will test you as an owner, again.

If you’re feeling uncertain about the economic future or worrying that it will be a struggle to stay afloat amid the current market conditions, it's time to join forces with other founders and owners who are committed to creating true freedom, wealth, and impact despite the ever-changing economic landscape.  


Being a successful business owner in 2023 will require a keen focus on the one thing the most successful founders and owners focus on to create true freedom, wealth, and impact: the value of your business.


2023 Will Challenge You All Over Again

This year will require more than just grit and determination. That's why we created Founder Freedom™ Fast Pass.

Founder Freedom™ Fast Pass, designed from our flagship VIP Founder Freedom™ program, is specifically for entrepreneurs like yourself and will help you prepare for whatever lies ahead in 2023 and beyond.

Founder Freedom™ Fast Pass is an eight-week, action-packed peer-to-peer forum to help you find scale increase your customer performance create low-risk high-yield revenue growth, automate your sales process to create recurring customer revenue, leverage a meaningful differentiation strategy, set yourself free from all the boxes in your org chart, and get you out of the middle of your business, lower your dependency on key employees, and grow your company to its full potential.

This is the most comprehensive advisor-led peer-to-peer group learning model for business owners and Founders who are ready to realize their company's true potential gain a significant edge over your competition and increase your company value and your personal wealth while reducing your stress and your workload. 

So how does it work? The first step is to schedule a call so that you can get your company score and your dashboard report. From there you'll meet one-on-one with your Founder Freedom™ Fast Pass advisor who will review your findings take you on a tour of the portal and give you a rundown of the live weekly meetings.  Each week prior to your Founder Freedom™ Fast Pass group meeting you'll receive your new module and the agenda for your upcoming meeting each of the eight meetings is designed for a deep dive into the topic, a virtual roundtable discussion, and time for questions and feedback. 

Between sessions, you'll have complete access to the modules in your private online portal where you can run scenarios and complete the lessons.  You'll have full access to your peers and your advisor in our private online community where you can get to know your team, discuss best practices with your peer members and gain additional skills by accessing even more information posted by our advisers each and every week.

Don't Go It Alone

 You’ll want in on this because, in this 8-week program, we cover the entire year's worth of training from our 1-on-1 engagements at a fraction of the cost.  And Founder Freedom™ Fast Pass has the added bonus of a group of peers for you to connect with, to bounce ideas off of, network with, and build long-lasting relationships and mutually beneficial relationships with. These are owners just like you.

This program isn't for everyone.  If you can't commit the time to come to the 90-minute weekly sessions this isn't for you. We do have another program that isn't live that you may be interested in. Founder Freedom™ Fast Pass is an immersive and interactive peer-to-peer forum.  Your presence and participation add to the richness of the live experience.  So we ask you to commit to all eight sessions.  If that sounds good to you and you're ready to increase your sales, profits, cash flow, employee engagement,  customer satisfaction, and personal wealth by turning your company into your most valuable asset, sign up below I'll see you with your peer group members in the private community portal. 

If you're an ambitious business owner who wants to take your company to the next level, then Founder Freedom™ Fast Pass is for you. By joining our 8-week program, you'll join a dynamic forum of other smart, committed business owners like you led by business advisors who will guide you through a proven growth methodology to help you go beyond simply protecting your business. Founder Freedom™ Fast Pass will help you focus on the exact areas to make your business more valuable, which means more wealth, impact, and freedom for you. 

You'll gain valuable insights from a program and peers that will help you increase your customer performance, lower your talent risk and create high-yield revenue growth, profits, and cash flow. So go ahead, sign up for a call today, and get started to ensure sure your company is running at its full potential in 2023 and beyond!

Click below and register for a Founder Freedom™ Fast Pass introduction call.

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