Align Strategic's Goal Setting & Goal Getting Master Course
A goal without a date is just a hope, and you can't take that to the bank. The Goal Setting and Goal Getting Program will give you a clear picture of when and how you can reach those lofty goals once and for all.
It's not much fun to work toward a bunch of shoulds that have no personal meaning to you. If you want to create an environment of high achievement you need purpose and a specific plan to get there.
What gets measured gets managed. And what gets managed gets done! Now you will finally have a system that you can easily implement to track your progress on the goals that mean the most to you.
Lots of people have goals but few have a real plan for reaching them. Fewer still have a legitimate Goal Tracking and Management System that ties each meaningfully written goal to a sales plan that systematizes and spells out the exact daily actions you must take to reach those goals. This program will not only help your salespeople develop more meaningful goals, it will lay out a path for reaching them in a step-by-step sales goal management plan that will allow you to accurately track the sales progress each individual contributor must make on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to reach their specific personal goals.
When we do this work with companies around the world, CEOs and Sales Leaders are able to avoid bad sales months because each and every person on the team has an individualized plan for performance that can be tracked to daily sales behaviors and outcomes based on each individual's current rate of performance.
Sign up today and start reaching your true performance capacity by helping your salespeople and sales managers reach for their dreams!
Cheryl Powers is a thought leader in revenue growth for CEOs of mid-market companies. Cheryl has taught thousands of companies how to achieve their true revenue potential by leveraging the value of their performance using high performance algorithms systems for succeess.
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